How Many Calories Are In a Cup of Instant Coffee?

If you’re health conscious, on a diet or simply are curious as to how many calories are in a cup of instant coffee, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve totted up the calorie count for a black coffee with and without sugar as well as a white coffee with and without sugar – all made from the instant stuff.

How many calories are in a cup of instant coffee?

For all those counting calories, you’ll be relieved to know that a heaped spoon of instant coffee only contains around 1-2 calories.

Of course this isn’t taking into account the addition of milk and sugar which, let’s face it, makes instant coffee a much better drinking experience.

1 Cup of Black Instant Coffee Calories

If you like to drink your instant coffee black, then you can expect to consume around 1-2 calories per mug if you’re drinking it without the addition of sugar. This goes up to 18 calories per mug with 1 spoon of sugar and 34 calories per mug if you like your coffee with 2 sugars. We know it’s not out of the realms of possibility that some people have even more sugar in their coffee so add 16 calories to the total for every extra teaspoon of sugar you add.

1 Cup of White Instant Coffee Calories

If you’re more of a white coffee drinker, the addition of milk will put your base calorie count at 12 calories per mug with skimmed milk, 15 calories per mug with semi-skimmed milk and 21 calories per mug with whole milk.

Of course, the addition of sugar puts the calorie count up by 16 calories for every teaspoon of sugar you add.

Check out the table below for quick access to calories in instant coffee.

Type of instant coffee kCal per cup
Black coffee 2
Black coffee, 1 sugar 18
Black coffee, 2 sugars 34
White coffee, skimmed milk 12
White coffee, semi-skimmed milk 15
White coffee, whole milk 21
+1 teaspoon of sugar 16